Saturday, July 16, 2005

Saturday Stuff

One of my first activities on this lazy Saturday was to go pick up Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth book of the series that was just released at 12:01 this morning. I went to Barnes & Nobles last night between 7 and 8 o'clock last night, and quite a crowd had already formed. Needless to say, I did not stick around. However, some people there deserved serious props for their costumes.

Speaking of serious props, I'd say J.K. Rowling deserves them. Like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien before her, she has created her own magical world of fantasy. Other than the writing itself, Rowling has also created quite a franchise. The popularity of the series only grows with each book. Those that started reading the series when it began are certainly still reading, whether they were children or adults. And each book brings in a new generation of readers.

Today has been a lazy Saturday, indeed, for it has certainly been a crazy week. All four Blakeys here took seized the day by taking fat afternoon naps. Mine was quite nice...

Texas is diverse and its weather quite peculiar. Yesterday afternoon brought a harsh, quick thunderstorm, but by evening the sky was blue again. This morning I awoke to a steady rain, but by the time I awoke from my nap, the sky was again blue with only sporadic clouds.

I watched the British Open with my father this morning, and he was taking copious notes because he will be playing St. Andrews in just a few months time. With quite a leaderboard, I recommend you set a tape for tomorrow morning and watch it after church.

I hope everybody has a great weekend. May your time in the Word be profitable. Have a great Lord's Day tomorrow, and remember that Sunday morning starts Saturday night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Way to go on posting three days in a row!

3:31 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um okay, for future reference, please do not compare Tolkien and Lewis to the author of Harry Potter... I'm not nesecarily saying that the book is bad or anything critical, but please, Lewis and Tolkien, Lewis in particular, are great authors, and they had great allegorical books, well I guess LOTR is debatable, but chronicles of Narnia was a great allegory. So please do not compare these great men with a childrens story writer. no offense. haha. P.S - you missed a great day at six "flegs"

6:45 AM PDT  
Blogger Christa Blakey said...

I definitely see your valid comparison of these three monumental authors. Yes, they have written in varying styles and volumes, but they do share obvious characterisitics with the fantasy-world theme insighting massive followings with their writings. I'm glad you were able to get the book...if only we were there to wait with you at midnight. Sounds like you had a great weekend, can't wait for your next entry!

12:44 AM PDT  

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