Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Road Home
The Final Farewell

As a pastor at Believers Fellowship, one of my dad's greatest desires was for people to come to Sunday Evening Church and Wednesday Night Prayer meeting. Tonight he found out how to ensure a crowd: leave. Believers Fellowship was packed out tonight as my father preached his last message there.

The service brought some great times of reflection on the great things God has done over the past ten years. Many tears were shed, but overall the night brought a focus on the goodness and the grace of God.

After the service, there was a Farewell Reception in the gym, and we got the chance to say good-bye to the believers with whom we have fellowshiped here in Texas. After that I went to Starbucks in the Forum with a good crew of my friends. We drank Frappuccinos, we played cards, we had some good times.

As I was walking out of Starbucks, I thought to myself, "Texas life is over." Tomorrow we leave it all behind as we head out to California. Who knows when or if we will see many of the people we said good-bye to tonight. This move will bring big changes to the Blakey family. My dad will be starting a new ministry, my mom will be getting involved in new ways at a new church, and next Saturday I will be checking in at The Master's College.

We are sad as we leave many friends behind in Texas, but we are eager to get on the road and excited to see the ways that God will be good to us in our new lives in California.

I'm off to bed now because tomorrow we leave, and the road home is long.


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