Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Currently snacking on: Cheez-Its, the preferred snack of state champions.

Let Us Consider

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Here the author of Hebrews, after encouraging us to draw near to God and hold fast our confession, exhorts us to think about how we can stir up our fellow Christians to love and good deeds. God does not intend the Christian life to be lived alone, he wants Christians to walk it together and to support one another. Galatians 6:2 simply states, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

There are many ways that we can encourage each other and bear one another's burdens; one particular way that I have experienced this camaradarie this summer is through simple Bible study with friends. I have been able to meet fairly regulary with four friends of mine at a local Barnes & Noble's for coffee and Bible study. I believe each of us has been "stirred up" by these times as we have discussed our lives, the book of James, and Not Even a Hint by Joshua Harris. If you are reading this, I would encourage you to get involved in a Bible study with your friends. Every so often get together with them for the express purpose of looking at the Bible together and talking about how it applies to life. This is a great way to deepen both your relationship with God and your friendships with others.

Another outstanding way to encourage each other in the faith is through the wonderful means of blogging. One of the friends I have been meeting with just started a blog that is off to a promising start; I encourage you to check it out. Blogs are beautiful because at your blog you can post your thoughts on virtually anything on the world wide web for anyone to see. As Christians, God should constantly be in our thoughts, and therefore blogging is a great way to share our thoughts about him with the world. As we write, we are forced to think more deeply about the word of God, and as others read, they can be encouraged by what we say about the word. If you don't have a blog, I would encourage you to start one. If you do have a blog, I would encourage you to keep posting and to post often about what you are learning about God's word. Now some might say, "I just don't feel like I have anything to write about." If that is the case, I would encourage you to read this essay at Godsong Music. You might also say, "I just don't have time." This may very well be true and spending a lot of time blogging might not be wise stewardship of your days. But if you desire to blog and posting seems like it takes too much time, I encourage you to keep it simple. Don't feel like you have to write a Pulitzer-worthy article every time you post. Even a couple paragraphs about what God has been teaching you lately can go a long way.

I believe Bible study and blogging to be two great ways to stir up one another to love and good deeds, but remember that Bible study and blogging are not exclusive ways we can do this. That is why we must think and think about ways we can encourage the hearts of our brothers and sisters. So let us consider...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Bro,

After you get past the cheesy beginning, this is a really encouraging entry. I totally agree with you that Bible study and blogging are excellent ways to encourage each other. Thanks for considering how to encourage us in the blogging community!

7:05 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, great thoughts and ideas. I only wish more people had this perspective on life. Keep up the good work.

2:11 PM PDT  

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