Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Macro- and Micro- Faithfulness of God

Recently I've been reading through Genesis with a Bible reading plan from Compass Bible Church. As I read these early chapters of the Bible, the faithfulness of God stands out in big and little ways. We can see his faithfulness on both a broad, historical scale and on a small, personal level.

First, you see God's faithfulness in the immense context of mankind and world history. Let's call this God's macrofaithfulness. The beginning of the story of Genesis is the beginning of the story of redemptive history, which is really world history. We see God's choosing of a person to build up a race that will someday produce a Savior who will defeat the Curse of the Fall.

Second, you also see God's faithfulness to individual people. We'll call this his microfaithfulness. One of my favorite scenes from Genesis is found in chapter 24, near the end the story of finding a bride for Isaac. Verse 63 says, "And Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening." Do you ever do this? Do you ever go to a quiet place at the end of a day and think about life? I know I do. Sometimes I think about all the awesome things God has done in my life or the awesome people he has surrounded me with. Other times I might think about things that have happened that I don't understand or the uncertainties of the future. Isaac surely had a lot to think about. His mom had recently died, and he probably knew that some servant was on a mission somewhere to find him a wife.

It's at this moment of meditation when he lifts up his eyes "and behold, there were camels coming." His wife had arrived. This is just one of the many examples of God's bigtime faithfulness to little people like Isaac, Abraham, and Sarah. They probably couldn't see the full extent of what God was beginning there, but in their moments of deep personal need when they were concerned about their family or their future, they experienced God's faithfulness.

So be encouraged to have faith in a faithful God. He is/has been faithful throughout the events of history, and you can believe that he'll be faithful to you, too.


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