Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Staples Center

Did you know that many hospitals and doctor's offices don't uses stitches on the head? They use staples. I had heard of this before and always conjured up a mental picture of a doctor using a staple gun on your scalp. Now I know from experience that it is not quite like this, but it is close.

Today my roommate and I were goofing around when I banged my head on the corner of my desk. At first I thought, "That's gonna be a nasty bump." Then I saw that my hand has a bunch of blood on it.

Anyways, the long and short of it is that I had to go to urgent care so they could clean it out and staple it.

Other than staples in the head, today has been a good day. I am loving my classes so far this semester. Today I was reading Aristotle for Western Political Philosophy 1. Apparently Aristotle had caught on to the idea that everyone wants to be happy.

After that I read some of The Inspiration & Authority of Scripture by Rene Pache. He talks about man's inability to answer questions like "What will make me truly happy" and our need for divine revelation. God chose to communicate to us through His Word so that we might be able to know Him, and He is the best thing in the universe. How cool is that? Those are the kind of thoughts that will change the way I read the Bible tomorrow morning.

Watch out for desk corners. They're brutal.


Blogger roberta said...

Interesting that man is always pursuing happiness but never finding it in an enduring sense. We can only find lasting satisfaction in the Lord! Glad that your head isn't too bad.

9:01 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro, Hope your head isn't hurt too bad. There are some genius thoughts going on in there. And the future of the free world may depend upon it! So it's encouraging to read that you are still having some good thoughts! Thanks for sharing!

9:54 AM PDT  
Blogger Ty said...

Nice staples!
T Flo

3:12 PM PDT  
Blogger Christa Blakey said...

I think it's pretty amusing that your last post is called "Last Post as a Teenager" and in this one you tell as rather teenager-like story!

I'm glad you are enjoying school and getting along with your roomate--Thanks for taking time to blog!

11:24 PM PDT  

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